Now available to watch on Tubi TV

We would like to give a special Thank You to our crowdfunding donors. Because of you, we are able to touch more lives and promote prostate cancer awareness:
Special Thanks To:
Eric Millstein, M.D.
Stasyi Barth
Kim McClure
Kerwin Manning
The number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer continues to increase at an alarming rate. It is the third most common cause of death from cancer in men over the age of 75. African-American men are the most at risk to develop prostate cancer (at any age) and die from the disease. The reason for this? Prostate cancer has for too long been a taboo topic amongst African-American men and they are less likely to have routine prostate exams or receive chemotherapy and radiation if diagnosed

Thank you in advance for assisting us with spreading the word about Prostate Cancer. Prostate Cancer is a "Silent Killer" within the African American community help us win the fight.

Get involved by hosting a screening of THE SILENT KILLER: Prostate Cancer in the African American Community at your church or community organization.

Our Mission is to leave no stone unturned exposing this culturally taboo subject and bringing to light the deadly consequences of avoiding exams.