Bluechild Entertainment is proud to join forces with Edwards Media Group and Jomani Entertainment to bring this much needed documentary to the screen. The number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer continues to increase at an alarming rate. It is the third most common cause of death from cancer in men over the age of 75. African-American men are the most at risk to develop prostate cancer (at any age) and die from the disease. The reason for this?
Prostate cancer has for too long been a taboo topic amongst African-American men and they are less likely to have routine prostate exams or receive chemotherapy and radiation if diagnosed. This documentary leaves no stone unturned exposing this culturally taboo subject and bringing to light the deadly consequences of avoiding exams. The men profiled in the film have from stage 1 to stage 4 prostate cancer. They candidly discuss their fears, concerns, and myths surrounding their prostate health, exams and what it means to change their lifestyle in order to live.